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Amanda Holiday

Il chapbook The Art Poems dell'artista e poetessa Amanda Holiday è stato pubblicato nel 2018 nell'ambito del “New Generation African Poets” e nel 2019 ha completato un MA in Scrittura creativa all'UEA. I suoi scritti sono stati pubblicati su Prairie Schooner, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, South Bank Poetry e Frieze, ed è stata inserita nella shortlist del Brunel International African Poetry Prize. Nel 2020 ha fondato la casa editrice Black Sunflowers, che si occupa di poesia femminile e nera. Attualmente è dottoranda Techne in Poesia, razza e arte presso l'Università di Brighton. - Artist and poet Amanda Holiday’s chapbook "The Art Poems" was published in 2018 as part of New Generation African Poets and she completed an MA in Creative Writing at UEA in 2019. Her writing has been published in Prairie Schooner, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, South Bank Poetry and Frieze and she has been shortlisted for the Brunel International African Poetry Prize. In 2020 she founded Black Sunflowers poetry press focussed on work by women and black poets. She is currently a Techne doctoral student in Poetry, Race and Art at the University of Brighton.