Soonest Nathaniel
Soonest Nathaniel (poeta, spoken-word artist; Nigeria) è autore del volume di genere misto "Burying the Ghosts of Dead Narratives" (2022) e della raccolta poetica "Teaching Father How to Impregnate Women" (2018). Vincitore del RL Poetry Award 2017 e di numerosi concorsi di poesia e spoken-word nigeriani, è stato nominato Langston Hughes Fellow al Palm Beach Festival e ha ricoperto il ruolo di Poet Laureate per il Korea Nigeria Poetry Festival; le sue poesie appaiono su riviste nigeriane, statunitensi e britanniche. È uno dei partecipanti alla Fall Residency 2023 (che va da fine agosto a metà novembre) dell'International Writing Program (IWP) dell'Università dell'Iowa, grazie a una sovvenzione del Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs del Dipartimento di Stato americano.
Soonest Nathaniel (poet, spoken-word artist; Nigeria) is the author of the mixed-genre volume "Burying the Ghosts of Dead Narratives" (2022) and the poetry collection "Teaching Father How to Impregnate Women" (2018). The winner of the 2017 RL Poetry Award and many Nigerian poetry and spoken-word competitions, he was named a Langston Hughes Fellow at the Palm Beach Festival and served as the Poet Laureate for the Korea Nigeria Poetry Festival; his poems appear in Nigerian, US and British magazines. He is one of the participants of the Fall Residency 2023 (which runs from late August to mid-November of The International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa, thanks to a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.
Qui si trovano altre sue opere (you can find other poems here):